Sunday, August 15, 2010


Note: I apologize in advance to the non-parents reading this for the potty training post. Someday when you have kids you will realize what a major role this plays in a parent's life (In fact, I think I currently spend about 40% of my day on this task alone :)

What kind of mom lets her kids have ice cream at 9:30 in the morning? One who REALLY wants her two year old to put her poop into the potty! Addie pretty much wants to wear undies all the time (like her big sister, of course!) and has a tantrum if she has to wear a diaper, and since she is not potty trained this poses a problem. She has been very interested in going on the potty this past week, so we celebrate big "potty victories" with ice cream... fun for them and for me. I call that a win, win, win situation. :)

(translation: "no more diapers for me")... this song comes from the Potty Power video that I would highly recommend (especially for has a whole princess on the potty section which I completely credit for helping Greta learn to use the toilet!)

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