I am up late tonight editing a wedding. So in true procrastinator style, why not update the blog? Greta's speech therapy is starting to pay off and we are understanding a lot more of what she is saying. It turns out she is a very funny girl (which we have known all along). Here are 3 recent Greta conversations:
1. Greta singing: (context...Greta is wearing her new "princess dress" from Zoey)
"Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O. And on that farm he had a dancing dress, E I E I O. With a dance dance here and a dance dance there, here a dance, there a dance, everywhere a dance dance. (I am sure this was much funnier in person :)
2. The big 3 year bday is quickly approaching and we have a few "big girl" things to work on. The first one tackled (thanks to Papa & Gramma) is getting rid of the nuk. She didn't ask for it while staying at their house on Friday night. Saturday night was a bit more difficult. I was trying to console her and talk about her being a big girl and that nuks are for babies. I mentioned that maybe we could give her nuk away to some baby ponies who needed it and her response was ... "let's give Addie's nuk to the baby ponies" :) Taking Greta's nuk away has been a lot like dealing with a drug addict in rehab (I imagine). She writhes on the floor in agony, has searched high and low for it, and even resorts to asking "I need my nuk for just one minute mommy".
3. This last one is a little gross, but as a mom I found it funny. The next "big girl" thing we will be tackling is potty training. She has been getting much better. Yesterday after she finished her poo on the toilet, she got off and was looking at it and exclaims, "it's a hotdog! yum!"