Friday, January 23, 2009

Zizi and Gigi

Greta had her first real sleepover last night with Zoey (Greta calls her Zizi). They slept in the same room without waking each other up and we had a super fun play day!


Laura. said...

look at those gorgeous girls! so adorable, so big. i love the bright stripey pants, too.

Chas and Renee said...

Wow! Greta is growing up! Zoey, too! Can't wait to see ya'll again!

laura said...

You are on a roll now Holly, two new posts:) Yeah! I hardly recognized Greta without her pigtails...her hair is getting so long. So cute.

Amber said...

hooray!!! greta looks 18 - tell her to stop growing. so glad you're back - i feel like i've missed everything how crazy!