Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The terrible twos

Greta is just a few weeks away from turning 2 - and it is starting to become quite obvious. Let me preface this post by saying that 95% of the time she is a sweet, fun girl to be around. The other day (Friday to be exact) Greta was very upset that I made her put on pants. It's a tough life, what can I say.

5 sure signs that Greta is having a tantrum:
1. Screaming
2. Crying
3. Turning red
4. Rolling her tongue
5. Random, uncontrollable hitting

I think her messy hair just adds to the effect of this picture.


Anonymous said...

Put on pants?? Holly, what were you thinking to make her do such a thing?? This is so cool that you got this picture - pretty funny! (easy to laugh, I guess when I don't have to deal with it). Love you!

heidi said...

awesome picture!!

Anonymous said...

This is a photo that can be used for bribery purposes or to chase away any future boyfriends you don't like :)

LeahMarie said...

okay- hilarious! congrats for having the presence of mind to photograph this- so funny.