Two weekends ago we took a little day trip to Bray, which is on the coast, just south of Dublin. There is a very small aquarium there and a nice promenade. We think that it would be a nice beach resort town - if it wasn't so cold and rainy. Maybe we'll have to go back again in the summer :) The girls had a blast seeing the different sea-life; their favorites included the octopus, sharks, Nemo, and the ball pit. Here are a few favorite photos...
It was too cold to stay outside for long, but the girls did enjoy a few minutes on the beach.
A view of Bray
On Thursday Greta's preschool teacher said she is still talking about Christmas... and since it is only the beginning of February I hope it is okay that I am too :)
The cast of the first annual Peters family nativity play
Ava happily volunteered as baby Jesus...
The stable animals...
New cousin jammies
Three cheesy smiles
Making gingerbread houses