Addie showing off her bent thumb. We have been talking to her about the surgery for a long time, so she would repeatedly say, "Doctor fix my thumb?" It was pretty cute.
She loves to give this cheesy smile to the camera.
Before the nurses took her back to the operating area, Addie was given a sedative. She was actually pretty funny on this medication. The nurse must have seen that look in my eye, because without me even asking, she said they do not offer this as an over the counter medication :)
Addie was gone for surgery and recovery from about 8-10 am. She was not so happy when she woke up. Her throat was pretty raspy from being intubated for the anesthesia and she kept trying to rip off the bandages around her IV and her arm bandage and her hospital bracelet and her Oxygen moniter. She kept yelling "too tight". This was definitely the most difficult part.
The nurses were really sweet and gave Monkey an arm bandage too.
Addie was much happier once we got back home. After a little lunch and a very long nap (thank you Tylenol with Codeine!) she is practically back to her usual self.